
VSHN.timer #7: The HumanOps Frontier

26. Aug 2019

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system and making us think, laugh, or simply work better.
This week we feature interesting articles about HumanOps, the next logical step in a path that leads to software made by humans, for humans.
1. How does one transition to DevOps? Does one become a DevOps engineer right out of school, or does one need prior experience in software development, IT administration or other tasks? Conor Delanbanque gives some good advice in an effective article.
2. And once you are working in the DevOps field, what do you do? What does the “DevOps Engineer” job title mean, anyway? To help us answer these questions, André Ilhicas dos Santos provides a comprehensive blog post with lots of interesting insight about our craft.
3. Learning is primordial, but you knew this already. To keep a certain level of interest in our activity, to avoid dying of boredom, and, yes, to stay relevant in the job market, too! We in this industry read and learn every day – and that is the main reason you are checking out the VSHN.timer series every Monday, is not it? Silvia Botros explores in her article the various aspects around learning as engineers, including the important organizational factor: are companies willing to invest in the growth of their engineers? After all, you could even learn how to send IP packets over spaghetti!
4. But we know that nothing lasts forever. DevOps is a career that simply did not exist 10 years ago. Back then we had sysadmins, and before that we even had “operators” – a term popularized by both the Matrix franchise and the infamous BOFH series. What will be the next step in this continuous evolution? What will we call DevOps Engineers in 2030? Matthew Broberg from Red Hat wrote a very interesting article about how deep knowledge in one specific technology almost brought his career to a full stop.
5. In the meantime, we needed to learn how to manage the complexity of our Kubernetes clusters, and we found VMWare Octant to be a great addition to our toolbox. Here it is hoping it will help you too!
Would you like to share other HumanOps-related links with us? Is your organization embracing HumanOps? Do you think it will become an important trend in the future? Let us know in the comments below, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.
PS: did you know that there is a Swiss HumanOps meetup? Join the group and stay tuned for the first meeting to be announced soon.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski is in charge of Developer Relations at VSHN. He is a software developer since 1996, a trainer, and a published author. Adrian holds a Master in Information Technology from the University of Liverpool.

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