
VSHN.timer #18: Programming

11. Nov 2019

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system, making us think, laugh, or simply work better.
In this edition we are going to talk about languages, tools, and good ideas to write quality code.
1. Go is without a doubt the language of the moment. It enjoys an unprecedented level of popularity among cloud-first developers, and for some it might even be the new Ruby. Not only Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and many other cloud-native tools are written in Go, but we have discovered a few more recently: vegeta the load testing tool, yar the security scanner, and even kubeprompt the Kubernetes-enabled command line prompt. Even Jaeger, the distributed tracing platform recently graduated as the seventh official CNCF project, is written in Go!
2. In spite of the incredible traction of Go, our beloved Python remains a favorite language among VSHNeers. It is then with a certain nostalgia that we learnt the retirement of the creator of Python himself, Guido van Rossum, from the Dropbox blog. We wish him a great time and we thank him for such a great programming language! By the way, speaking about Python, we have been playing recently with FastAPI and it’s awesome.

3. But no matter which language you use, there is a 99,999999% chance that you are going to use Git to version your code and to collaborate with your peers. Some even say that Git is arguably Linus Torvalds‘ most important creation. Git is so pervasive in our industry that „DevOps“ sometimes is spelled „GitOps.“ In any case, we have learned through the Github blog that Git 2.24 is available, and there are quite a few changes to pay attention to. But undoing changes is still complicated in Git, to the point where we have to use decision trees to do it properly.
4. And how do we write code? In 2019, it is increasingly through Visual Studio Code – or its MIT-licensed, analytics-free alternative, VSCodium. Here at VSHN we use it for nearly everything, from writing Go or Python code, PlantUML or Markdown documentation, to managing Docker containers or Kubernetes clusters, and even reading Excel spreadsheets! And even the AsciiDoc plugin author, João, is a VSHNeer now! Last week Microsoft held the Ignite conference, where they announced Visual Studio Online, a web-based, cloud-first version of Visual Studio Code. However, we at VSHN are more interested in how Microsoft grooms and triages issues in the project, an example of leadership and organization.
5. And speaking of a Microsoft that is still surprising us since Satya Nadella took office in 2014, here’s a few more gems from the Ignite conference last week: after the announcements of Azure Arc, a hybrid cloud, and Azure Quantum, a quantum-computing cloud, came the announcement of a 4-day workweek (or is it a 3-day weekend?) in Microsoft Japan. A company faithful to its roots, yet moving into the future; their first product was a developer tool, after all. Just in case, remember to check all boxes before deploying to Azure.
Are you writing and deploying Go or Python code with Visual Studio Code? Or are you a vim enthusiast? Do you GitOps? Would you like to share other tools with the community? Get in touch with us through the form at the bottom of this page, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski ist bei VSHN für den Bereich Developer Relations zuständig. Er ist seit 1996 Software-Entwickler, Trainer und veröffentlichter Autor. Adrian hat einen Master in Informationstechnologie von der Universität Liverpool.

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